A comprehensive package of significant business incentives is vital Bayelsan components, which are put in place to attract investment. The first incentive is guaranteed access to sufficient power supply. Investors need environments where power sources and supply are reliable for purposes of running the various business. Power generation gives room for development. Eventually, Bayelsa will portray successful business and increase competitive when compared with other states. The presence of development projects is also essential for businesses and investment to thrive. Formalization of land registration and ownership is another significant incentive that makes Bayelsa investable. The state has improved rural infrastructure is another important incentive for investment.
Data sustenance for feasibility studies, government waivers for investment agreement fees are other noble incentives in Bayelsa. The government is determined to avail infrastructural support anytime there is demand. The fact that it is easy for investors to obtain certificates of occupancy is essential for potential investors. Community relations are also monitored by the government to ensure that mediation between the members of various communities and investors is efficacious.